Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Witnessing 101: Where Is This Class?

Today was pretty remarkable. It started with my verse for this morning:

Psalm 25:7 NIV

Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD.
That couldn't have been more appropriate. That was reassuring  for someone who hasn't walked the walk much in the past 40 years. It put a smile on my face that lasted the whole day.
It also set the tone for the morning. I have to tell you about yesterday to tell you about today. I spoke to one of my contractors about getting his inspection set up, he and I went around the block about all sorts of things, to get us to his sheepish request that I pray for his son. "I don't know if you do this or not, and if you don't that's okay...but will you say a prayer for my son. We found an inflamed lymph node in his armpit. We're hoping that it's just the immunizations he just got, but they put him on some antibiotics. So just say a prayer if you can." I told him that I was going to activate the prayer tree...I thought he was going to cry, which made me want to cry. I told him not to worry, his boy was in God's hands. I asked the good folks at work to start praying for him and of course they are. I said all that to say this, I had to call my new friend to tell him this morning about when his inspection is scheduled. I also asked how his son is doing, told him I was praying for him to have strength to get through this. I added that I don't ever ask for healing alone, but for God's will be done and the strength and courage to make it through. Even as I am saying this, I'm tearing up...he then asked me to pray for him to find God again. I wish I would have had a Witnessing: How To Book, or a script to read, or something!!! I just talked from my heart. I talked a bit about what I went through and how it was hard for me get here. He shared that he had loss, and I won't get into great detail, but it was enough to make even a strong person question their faith. He has, indeed, been through some heavy stuff. I told him that he needed to read my blog because it was easier to read it and not have to listen to someone drone on about it. I remember what it was like when someone was trying to tell me why I needed to be faithful. It was kinda like hearing the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher when people would talk about how I had to be in church, blah blah blah. I am not the type of person to be motivated by fear or guilt. I also invited him to church, gave him directions and everything. He didn't seem likely to be there soon, but I told him I was going to keep inviting him. It took me most of the morning to regain my composure. I was all verklempt , to say the least.

I think that I am going to call him next week and invite him to lunch. My husband, him, and I will just have a friendly get-together. 

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